Friday, October 7, 2011

Food Photo Friday - Homemade Lemon Madeleine Cookies

My honey has always been in love with these cookies. We used to buy them in the little packages at Starbucks (the sea shell shaped cookies) and he kept wanting me to make them at home. I finally found a recipe a couple months ago courteous of and have perfected my little lemon madeleine cookies. Maybe you can make some for your friends and family. They will surely enjoy them... All of mine do! =)

2 large eggs
2/3 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon lemon zest
Pinch of salt
1 cup all purpose flour
10 tablespoons melted butter; slightly cooled

Lemon glaze: (I usually just eyeball the ingredients)
Approx. 2 cups powdered sugar
2 to 1 ratio of lemon juice to water (i.e.; 2 tablespoons lemon juice and 1 tablespoon water)
I just mix it until the glaze is slightly runny

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Step 1: Beat eggs and sugar together

Step 2: Add vanilla extract, lemon zest, and salt and combine

Step 3: Add cup of flour and mix until combined

 It'll be really thick like this

Step 4: Drizzle butter in slowly while mixing

Step 5: Spray mini cupcake pans w/ cooking spray and dust with flour so the cookies don't stick to the pan

Step 6: Use a tablespoon measuring spoon and scoop in the madeleine mixture. I usually scoop just a bit shy of a tablespoon because the mixture will puff up

Bake for about 10 minutes, just until the edges are brown
Take the cookies out of the pans immediately so they can cool...
Leaving the cookies in the pan for too long will cause them to overcook and become hard.

Directions for the glaze:
Mix the powdered sugar with the lemon juice and water until the glaze is slightly runny. You don't want the glaze to be too runny because it'll run right off the cookies

After the cookies have cooled a bit, dip the tops of the cookies into the glaze and let the glaze set.

And voila! You come out with these lovely, delicious, little morsels of GOODNESS.
Hope y'all will enjoy these as much as I do;
The reactions from your family and friends will make you feel great.
But beware: once they taste them once, they'll keep wanting more and more! =)

Happy eatings!

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