Friday, March 4, 2011

Food Photo Friday - Dad's Fried Chicken + Soup

So last night my daddy made one of my FAVORITE meals; Daddy's fried chicken and his chicken and veggie soup. Dad marinates the pieces of chicken overnight and he pan fries it. 

Drooling yet? ;]

The best part of this veggie soup was that I got to help my dad make it. I got to spend quality time with my dad and make delicious soup! There's potato, carrots, some other veggie (I only know the name in Vietnamese), chicken breast, and green onions. The soup is so simple, but the veggies make it so sweet and flavorful. I love it. 
This is my definition of comfort food. Fried chicken, rice, and soup. Yum!

My lovely daddy with his pup Poppy =) I love my daddy <3


  1. Helllooooooooooooooo! I WANT THAT FRIED CHICKEN NOW!

  2. =D!!! Next time my daddy makes fried chicken, I will bring you some ;]
