Friday, March 25, 2011

Food Photo(s) Friday - Piggie Goodness

Honey had a meeting at work yesterday and his manager bought everyone Rudy's (since it's right by Honda). There was enough to feed everyone and then some. So honey got to bring a bunch home for dinner. BBQ for lunch and dinner? I'm in! 

Brisket, Sausage, and Pork Loin
Piggie goodness ;]

Rudy's cup filled with their famous BBQ sauce
I could literally drink this stuff!

Look at the little beast tryna sneak some

HEHE. Sorry Rudy's is too good for just one photo. =)


  1. Haha!!! Love that shot of Snuggles! Smart boy! :D

  2. Chi Linda: OH YES! I forgot to add that part. One of the best things about lunch and dinner was that it was FREE!

    Michelle: Haha! Yes he always jumps on the chairs at the dinner table. He gets in trouble, but usually gets what he wants bc he's too darn cute. No BBQ for him though! No pork for doggies! We learned our lesson =X
